Join us for the Summer Kid's Kit Club! Tuesdays, June 2, 16, and 30! Stop by any time between 11a and 3p (except for June 2nd, stop by anytime!) and Make-n-Take a Kit or Take-n-Make a kit! Receive a card on your first visit. With this card you will receive a FREE Kid's Club Kit after you by 9 kits! So...buy 9 kits, receive the 10th kit FREE! Not a bad deal! All Kid's Club Kits are $5.00. Please remember to bring your own adhesive.

Tween Crop Camp is for kids ages 10 and up. This is a four week commitment. Drop your little scrapbooker off at the store for two hours of scrappin' time. Your child will complete an 8 1/2 x 11 album by the end of camp. Each two hour day will include making six layouts for the album. Some of the page themes will include: All About Me, Friends, Family and Summer 2009. We will provide a snack and drink each day and a special camp prize. If your child is absent for a class, we will provide a kit. Cost is $80.00. This Class will be taught by Amy. Please have your child bring a basic class supply kit to each class. (trimmer, scissors, and adhesives)
This Camp will be a great way for your child to have his/her own album with memories of this year and at the same time learn new techniques and basic information about Scrapbooking.